If you’re searching for a church home…there’s a place reserved for you in our family!
Lutherans believe in GOD’S GRACE ALONE, that God loves us and accepts us just as we are. That is why Jesus suffered, died and rose again. We can do nothing to earn our own salvation.
Lutherans believe in FAITH ALONE, that God gives us the trust we need to receive His gift to us; the gift of believing. We are not saved by being good, but through faith in Christ alone.
Lutherans believe in SCRIPTURE ALONE. It is not what the church or anyone else says, God’s Word, the Scriptures, is the full and final revelation of truth. The Bible is the foundation and guide for our preaching, our faith, and our very life.
We are Lutherans, and,
- We believe in the Triune God. We are part of God’s unfolding plan.
- We believe that when we gather for worship, we connect with believers everywhere and of every time.
- We believe that when we study the Bible and pray, we are drawn more deeply into God’s saving story.
- We believe that when we serve others we live out our Christian faith.
- We believe in the community of Christian faith.